This section is between Kamashima Yatomi Town Ama County Aichi Prefecture and Kisozaki Town Kuwana CountyE Tashiro waju.@It's around the mouth of the Kiso river. The purpose of this construction was to change the current of the Kiso river and to let the river run into the sea well in order to protect some waju at the mouth of the river against floods. This construction was mainly to dredge a channel of the Ikada river. It was to widen the upper reaches of the river to 90 meters, then to dredge it 1.5 kilometers long to around the mouth of the river ( to make the current calm down ). There was a sandbank at the whole mouth of the river, so that they made a waterway in the middle of the sandbank and a saruo ( cf. g The first section of construction h) to make the water flow smllthly. Now the location of the Ikada river has been changed. It doesn't remind us of its former self because it was improved and closed by a Dutch craftsman, Johanis de Rijke in the 24th year of the Meiji. The other works at this section were making saruo and driving stakes to protect the Ikadabashi shinden. The headquarters of this section was the Shogen temple, where has the grave of Juzaemon NAITO who killed himself by sword. Juzaemon NAITO was a retainer of a mizu-bugyo ( the shogunate official ), the TAKAGIs who resided in Mino and an only one person who commited g harakiri hon the shogunate side. He was on bad terms with the village headmen, and was pointed out the deficiency of the construction by them. He was afraid of giving trouble to his master. So he decided to kill himself to take his responsibility at a peasant Hikohachi's house in Yatomi Town where he stayed then on April 22nd of the 4th year of the Houreki. His graveyard is at the Reisho-in at Iwakaki Gifu City. This construction was formally started after a ceremony on Feburary 7th of the 4th year of the Houreki and was finished in April of the same year. This section was the first section to finish the works in all sections. It was said that there were few people who commited suicide and died of sickness unexpectedly. People who lived at the basin of the Kiso three rivers had a duty that they had to engage in the bank preservation work maned Haruyaku evey year. Of course it was supposed to be the work for nothing , but this time it became the work for payment because it was included to help Satsuma Hanshi. Isn't it contradictory? @ About the Kaizo temple
Many Satsuma Hanshi killed themselves because of the very heartless pressure by the shogunate and died of prevalent disease. But evey temple feared the shogunate, so refused to mourn them because they died at the place of flood control. When they happened to visit the Kaizo temple and talked about that, the temple willingly accepted and bury them under the clump of bamboo at the back of the temple at midnight. There are the graves of 24 people besides Yukie HIRATA ( the tower of memorial service ) | Satsuma Heroes at the second and the fourth section in the Kaizo temple.
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